Eine für alle Interessierten offene, interaktive und interdisziplinäre Lehrveranstaltung.
Veranstaltungssprache Englisch
Sustainable Development II, the second part of this course series (held over two terms), is dedicated to the practical implementation of sustainability. Dilemmas and contradictions are processed together with practice partners. Through innovative learning settings, where students have to apply their individual field of study/discipline answers to research questions are worked out and contextualized within the framework ofa small research project. The strong research and practical relevance bring the students closer to the idea of sustainable development from the perspective of different disciplines and different practical perspectives. Competencies and methods of transdisciplinary research are imparted and practiced in order to help shape a future worth living. »Sustainability« is understood as a«regulatory idea«. The course enables students to reflect and apply scientific knowledge and scientific methods outside of the university context and thereby generate new knowledge with the practice partners or the targetgroup.
Organisation & Info
Universität Klagenfurt
Institut für Unterrichts- und Schulentwicklung (IUS)
Entdecken Sie weitere Aktivitäten des SustainAbility Lab im Educational Lab.